Newspaper are meant to give you news which brings a kind of seriousness as they have maintained a reputation of being disciplined and in order. Here, we state you 15 most funny and hilarious newspaper ads that will leave you with laughter.
1. Cab drivers wanted with criminal Record
2. Apology notice for hitting on face at work
3. Playboy & adult magazines for sale used to trade guns
4. On among the hilarious newspaper ads – Well used girlfriend for sale
5. Surgeon needed without experience but must have his own tools
6. Congratulations George! He pleased 15 women’s for an entire day
7. Buy one divorce and next ½ off
8. Partly used dentures with 2 teeth missing
9. Vibrator used twice only good condition
10. Can you burp of fart better than your friends?
11. Used Bottle of Dove and Used Mach 3 Razor
12. Used Toilet Paper for Sale
13. 1995 Nissan car with good condition but NOT FOR SALE
14. Human skull used once only not plastic
15. You grabbed my Butt you PIG, Wanna Kill You give me your address
There could be nothing more funny than watching these hilarious newspaper ads.