Here we mention you about the 10 most crook and corrupt countries in the world. The information is derived out by 13 different surveys and assessments by various professionals, banks and forums. The 13 surveys are either business people opinion surveys or performance assessments from a group of analysts. Early CPIs used public opinion survey and the data given below may differ from the exact situation as it is not possible to trace out the exact corruption rates in the country. The CPI ranking is from 0 (highly corrupted) to 100 (no corruption). Here we mention you some of the most corrupt countries in the world.
10. Eritrea is a small and relatively poor country in the world with corruption rate of 18 out of 100.
9. Still no formal government has taken roots in Libya, which may be one of the reasons for bribery in the country with the score of 19 out of 100.
8. Uzbekistan, is one among world’s messiest countries with a lofty corruption rate of 19 out of 100.
7. Turkmenistan is one among the corrupt countries in the world, with the corruption speed of 17 out of 100.
6. Due to vast wealth and natural resources in Iraq, it is one among the ripe countries for corruption with a rate of 16 out of 100.
5. One of the world’s youngest countries, South Sudan has 85% of non paid labor which obviously results in corruption which is 15 out of 100.
4. Corruption rate of Afghanistan is 12 out of 100, which makes it stand fourth in the list.
3. First Emperor of Haiti, Jean Jacques Dessalines, was hacked to pieces by citizens over rampant corruption which still continues today and the score comes up to 11 out of 100.
2. World’s biggest wildcard, North Korea ranks 2nd in the list with the corruption rate of 8 out of 100.
1. Somalia is the most corrupt country according to the survey, with the corruption speed of 7 out of 100.
These were the most corrupt countries in the world, which we wish to come down one day.