In an extraordinary incident, a lady gave birth to a baby boy while sitting on the front seat of the car, and her husband was shooting the delivery of baby. Lesia Pettijohn (22) and her husband Jonathan Pettijohn (24) were on the way to hospital, when Leslie felt that the baby can take birth even before they reach hospital. Leslie told abc13 “I was probably freaking out way more than I should have. But I really didn’t want to have him in the car. I was scared. I didn’t know if he’d be breathing OK or if he would need anything else.”
The incident took place on Sunday in Texas and the video of Leslie giving birth to baby boy is already viral on the internet.
She told that her husband kept driving while shooting as she felt that may need some help at some moment, although, the video shows that the delivery was perfectly done without any help. She told “When he was out I was like I gotta push the rest of him out and grab him and pick him up and I was like what do I do, what do I wrap him in? My shirt is pretty long I will wrap him up in that.”
Leslie, mother of two tells that both the time when their two kids were born they went hospital very early, so this time they wanted to go hospital at the right time.
Jonathan didn’t stop the car and kept shooting as there was nothing going wrong in the process. He said, “The only reason I would pull over is if there is something wrong that needed to be dealt with immediately.”
The hospital staff was shocked and surprised to see that Leslie has given birth to a 10 pound baby boy on her own and that too, in a minivan.
Watch the video of the incident here:
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