Whatever be the condition, but these are some of the most strangest women existing in the world. Be ready to know about some unusual and weird women’s among which many hold Guinness world record due to their individuality.
1. Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria Lukyanova is a Moldovan-born Ukrainian model and entertainer, who have gained a worldwide popularity for her true resemblance of Barbie doll. It is also said, she stays only on water to maintain her super sleek figure.
2. Asha Mandela
She holds a Guinness world record under the title of world’s longest dreadlocks. They have officially measured her hair with a results of 19 feet 6 inch long and one strand of her hair was 55 feet 7 inch long – almost three times the official length.
3. Julia Gnuse
Julia Gnuse is commonly known by her nickname whose 95% of the body is covered with tattoo. This lady holds a Guinness world record for the most tattooed women in the world.
4. Charity Pierce
Charity Pierce is incredibly fat women existing on the earth with 778 pounds of weight at the age of 39. Currently she lives in Houston, Texas.
5. Abigail and Brittany Hensel
Abigail Loraine and Brittany Hensel are conjoined twins, each of whom has a separate head with joined bodies. They can also controls half of their body by operating one arm and one legs.
6. Mandy Sellars
This lady is born with abnormally large and misshapen legs and feet’s which grow up to an misappropriate rate. She weights 12 times less than the weight of her legs and feet.
7. Mikel Ruffinelli
Mikel Ruffinelli is an American woman who currently holds a record of widest hip in the world . Her weight is more than 190 kg and her hips measures 8 feet in circumference.
8. Jyoti Amge
Jyoti Amge is officially declared the world’s smallest woman by Guinness World Records with a height of 62.8 cm (2 ft 0.6 in). She suffers from an abnormality called achondroplasia.
9. Mayra Hills
Mayra Hills, also known as German adult model Beshine, boasts the world’s largest enlarged breasts. Each breast contains 10 liters of saline and weighs 20lbs
10. Alisha Hessler
She became the first woman in the world to have the third breast fitted.