“Religion should be an option, not an obligation.” Have a look at few similarities between the Hindu religion and the Muslims-
1. Both religions believe in the ultimate demolition of the world by God.
2. Both have had a concept of a man marrying multiple wives.
3. Both religions don’t consider lending money on interest as a good practice.
4. Both religions follow lunar calendar.
5. In both cultures, weddings are celebrated as festivals.
6. Both religions believe in non-violence.
7. A prayer beads used by Muslims is similar to Hindu’s jap mala.
8. Both religions are extremely superstitious.
9. Both of the religion believes in the ritual that a true follower must make a pilgrimage to a holy city.
Did you know that Mecca was also a holy place for Hindus? God made us one, and we divided ourselves into categories. Don’t forget to share your response in the comment section below.