There is absolutely no denying the fact that craze of selfies is growing by leaps and bounds and the situation now-a-days is such that people click selfies when they wake up, sleep, brush their teeth, at a function and so on. In short, at just any and every moment whether it’s worth capturing or not, folks do click selfies and seem to give it such importance that there is nothing more important than it. Another aspect is that people think that they should movie with time and selfies would give them the title of ‘Being Cool and Stylish’. However, there are many selfies which will make you think that it would have been better if they did not exist at all. Below are such 23 selfies:
1. Have you seen any such cheerleader before?
2. Hashtag Flood
3. Heights of Selfie Craze
4. Is this the face of a human or a dog or a new creature?
5. LOL
6. Yummy?
7. Look at the selfie device… LOL
8. Muscle Man
9. OH NO… WAIT….
10. OMG!
11. Selfie at a funeral? Couldn’t control?
12. During lecture….
13. In hospital
14. Selfie in the background of a burning building
15. Selfie of brushing teeth? Eh, Not a good idea
16. Selfie with Cops
17. Selfies with a dying relative
18. The girl taking mirror selfie with her laptop
19. And this boy too!
20. What an angle!
21. What is she trying to capture?
22. What’s this
23. Whose selfie is this?
How did you find these selfies? Aren’t they extremely weird? Share your views about the article in the comments section below!
Source: Google Images