There was humongous excitement for Akshay Kumar’s new movie aka Baby’s trailer.The production house previously released 4-5 posters and the expectations just sky-rocketed right after the release of the very first poster.The movie stars Akshay Kumar (Ajay), Tapsee Pannu, Rana Daggubati (Jai) , Anupam Kher (Shuklaji), Kay Kay Menon and is directed by Neeraj Pandey.The film has been shot in various locations including Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Kathmandu, Oman and India.
Now the wait is finally over.The most awaited trailer is here.
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How did you like the trailer? Was the trailer able to fulfill your expectations? Will this movie beat the lifetime collections of Dhoom 3, Happy New Year or Krrish 3?