India’s celebrated javelin thrower, Neeraj Chopra, recently tied the knot with Himani Mor in an intimate ceremony that took many by surprise. The 27 years old Olympics champion shared glimpses of his wedding on social media, sparking widespread excitement and admiration. The announcement came as a surprise, as Neeraj Chopra had kept the event private until the photos were revealed.
Check out the pics:
Himani Mor, Neeraj’s wife, is originally from Larsauli in Haryana. She completed her early education at Little Angels School in Panipat before pursuing higher studies. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Miranda House, Delhi University, and later moved abroad for further studies. Currently, Himani is pursuing a Master’s in Science in sports management and administration at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management. She also attended Southeastern Louisiana University. As a tennis player, she gained coaching experience as a part-time assistant at Franklin Pierce University and is now a graduate assistant managing the tennis team at Amherst College.
Neeraj Chopra, who brought home India’s first ever Olympics gold medal in athletics at the Tokyo Games, announced the wedding on his social media platforms.
He took to X (formerly Twitter) for sharing the news of his marriage, he posted few photos with the caption, “जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after. नीरज हिमानी”
Over the past year, he added another accolade to his illustrious career by becoming the second male athlete from post-independence India to win two Olympics medals in individual events. His achievements include a gold medal in Tokyo 2020 and a silver medal in Paris 2024, making him the only Indian athlete to win medals of two different colors at the Olympics.
Neeraj’s uncle, Bhim, shared some details about the wedding, which was held in India but remained a closely guarded affair. Speaking from their village in Khandra, near Panipat in Haryana, Bhim confirmed that the couple has left for their honeymoon. While specifics about the wedding venue and honeymoon destinations were not disclosed, Bhim noted the family’s desire to keep the event low-key.
Himani’s ongoing studies in the United States and her connection to the world of sports highlight the couple’s shared passion for athletics, setting the stage for a promising journey together.
We offer our best wishes to the couple for a happy married life!