With over 1.6 crore devotees participating on the first day, the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 stands as a grand spiritual spectacle. This colossal congregation of humanity brings together Naga Babas, globally respected religious leaders, and a diverse assembly of devotees. Among the many spiritual figures present, it is the ‘IITian Baba’ who has captured widespread attention.
Abhay Singh, now known as Masani Gorakh or IITian Baba, made his way to the Maha Kumbh Mela, where his presence immediately caught the attention of a news channel. Sitting serenely on a pipe outside a tent, his calm smile, radiant eyes and wisdom-laden words intrigued the crew. During the interaction, he revealed that he had studied aerospace engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. However, driven by a quest for self-discovery and a deeper understanding of the divine, he eventually left the world of science and technology to embrace the path of spirituality as a monk.
Renouncing his earlier identity, Abhay Singh adopted the name Masani Gorakh and dedicated his life to Lord Shiva. He also goes by other names such as Raghav, Madhav, Jagdishwari, Sarveshavri, Jagdish, etc. Originally from Haryana, he studied for four years at IIT Bombay before shifting his focus towards the arts, completing a Master’s in Design and exploring the field of photography. Additionally, he coached students in Physics while on his journey of self-exploration.
Masani Gorakh delved into philosophy, studying Post-Modernism along with the teachings of Socrates and Plato to comprehend the essence of life. Despite experimenting with multiple career paths without finding true fulfillment, he returned home and redirected his attention to spirituality, seeking understanding in life’s fundamental truths. Reflecting on his spiritual journey, he shared that true knowledge lies in understanding the mind and mental health through spirituality. Unfazed by public opinion, he affirmed that he had found his purpose, calling his current spiritual state “the best stage”.
The interaction with the IITian Baba quickly went viral on social media, with many users admiring his pursuit of wisdom over material success.
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One commenter remarked on his enlightenment, saying, “Even after having the knowledge of the entire universe, the void is the same, that is Shiva, the eternal truth. A living example of this is our IIT Maharaj Ji.” Another praised his honesty, stating, “This person is very good and truthful. He has no greed for anything.” Others expressed awe, with one remarking, “How many children dream of IIT Bombay, and yet Baba Ji has chosen such a profound path.”
The Maha Kumbh Mela remains one of the most significant religious gatherings in the world. The 2025 edition, running from January 13 to February 26, holds even greater spiritual importance due to rare celestial alignments occurring after 144 years. On the first day alone, over 1.65 crore devotees took a holy dip, marking the event’s grandeur and spiritual magnitude.