Panchayat Actor Aasif Khan’s wedding photos captured heartwarming moments between the couple. In one picture, he extends his hands to a shy and smiling Zeba. Another shows them sharing a warm hug, while a third captures Aasif lovingly kissing her forehead. The final image features the couple surrounded by guests as Aasif holds Zeba in his arms.
The actor captioned the post simply: “Qubool Hai ❤️ 10.12.24 ♾️.”
Aasif looked dashing and joyful, dressed in a cream sherwani, while Zeba glowed in a pink lehenga paired with elegant light-blue jewelry.
Congratulations Pour In
Aasif’s wedding post was flooded with congratulatory messages from fans and fellow actors. Celebrities like Sharib Hashmi and Mouni Roy extended their wishes, with Mouni commenting, “Heartiest congratulations to you both.” Influencer-actor Srishti Dixit, who attended the ceremony, also shared several glimpses of the event on her social media.
Aasif’s Journey: From Struggles to Stardom
Aasif’s path to success wasn’t easy. In an earlier interview, he revealed that during his early days in Mumbai, he worked as a waiter at a hotel. Coincidentally, it was the same hotel where Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor got married in 2012.
Aasif shared how he once asked his manager for permission to meet the celebrity couple but was denied. “I cried that day because I was so close yet couldn’t meet them,” he said. That experience motivated him to work harder and pursue his dreams in acting.
Career Highlights
Aasif Khan became a household name with his role as Ganesh in Panchayat, where his character’s demand for a revolving chair created one of the series’ most memorable moments.
He is also well-known for his role as Babar in Mirzapur. Aasif made his Bollywood debut in India’s Most Wanted (2019) and went on to feature in several hit shows and films, including:
- Humorously Yours (2019)
- Jamtara (2020)
- Paatal Lok (2020)
- Pagglait (2021)
- The Great Indian Family (2023)
Most recently, Aasif appeared in Kakuda alongside Riteish Deshmukh and Sonakshi Sinha. His next project, Section 108, directed by Rashik Khan, is already generating excitement.
Also Check – Panchayat Actor Aasif Khan Weds Zeba, Fans Joke About ‘Chakke Wali Kursi’