Samantha Ruth Prabhu, an acclaimed actress known for her powerful performances, recently opened up about the online trolling and societal judgment she endured after her divorce from actor Naga Chaitanya in 2021. Despite the barrage of false rumours and harsh criticism, Samantha chose to remain silent, focusing on her personal peace rather than public validation.
While speaking in an interview, Samantha highlighted the disproportionate challenges women face in patriarchal societies when relationships come to an end. She acknowledged that while men also face scrutiny, women are often subjected to more intense judgment and shaming, both online and offline.
Samantha revealed that during her divorce, many untrue statements were spread about her, fueling relentless online abuse. While she felt an urge to counter the lies and share her truth, she refrained, realising that public validation would not offer lasting peace.
Samantha said that she wanted to come out and say that everything is a lie and she wants to tell the truth but then she thought what she would gain by it – just a group of people who are so inconsistent that they may start hating you once again after three days if you do something stupid.
Instead, she chose to lean on her close friends and family for support, reminding herself that their understanding of the truth was enough. Samantha said that she is fine with the fact that her family and friends know the truth and understand it and she doesn’t need to make everyone understand her part of the story.
The actress acknowledged that much of her struggle stemmed from a deep desire for validation. However, through her ordeal, she learned to find contentment within herself rather than seeking public approval.
Meanwhile, Samantha’s ex-husband Naga Chaitanya is going to marry actress Sobhita Dhulipala. The couple who dated for two years got engaged in August 2023 and their wedding is scheduled for December 4 at Annapurna Studios. Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita made their relationship official only after their engagement and subsequently, they have often been spotted together on vacations.