A recent viral video has caught the attention of netizens, showcasing a father’s unusual approach to keeping track of his daughter’s safety in Pakistan. In a unique and controversial move, the father has installed a CCTV camera on his daughter’s head to monitor her activities and whereabouts. The video highlights the lengths to which he is willing to go to protect his daughter.
In the footage, the daughter is being interviewed, with a large CCTV camera visibly placed on her head. When asked who installed the camera, she reveals that it was her father who did it to keep an eye on her and ensure her security. The interviewer further inquired if she resisted the idea of the camera being installed, to which she replied that she did not.
The daughter acknowledges that her father acts as her ‘security guard’ and that this measure is meant to provide her with constant protection. She refers to a recent incident in Karachi where a woman was ki*led, emphasizing that her parents came up with this innovative solution to ensure her safety, believing that no one is truly safe and that such incidents could happen to anyone, including her.
Here is the video which was posted by an X user with the caption, “next level security”:
Click to watch this video directly on X
The video has sparked a mix of reactions online, with some questioning the extreme nature of the measure, while others recognize the father’s concern for his daughter’s safety in an unpredictable environment.
Check out some selected reactions:
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