Dear Dog Lovers,
Yulin festival, or the dog-eating festival of China is all trending on social media. All the loners, ditched-desperate singles and the guys with so-called OPEN heart are all of a sudden, in love with dogs and protesting against this fest. Well, logically speaking, we neither have rights to protest against it and nor we should. Reasons you may ask, which are simple. At the very first, if you are actually concerned about the animals, and this is not just a temporary media-fever, why don’t you make chicken a pet, instead of eating it up at KFC? Why don’t you protest against the halals of god? Why you were going mad about the beef-ban? Don’t be partial. Go back to your chairs, shut your shit up, don’t just be cool and protest around.
Moreover, you think you love dogs? They are your companions, right? Your loyal mate. I guess you have either never bitten by a street dog, or you have not read the news about street dog killing babies. Feeding the street dogs and being an animal lover on Facebook is not giving you any right to protest. If you could have saved the lives that were lost due to rabies, I wouldn’t have written this article. Adopting the rare breeds doesn’t make you a dog lover.
So please, do what you were doing while eating chicken or halal of goats, i.e. keep quiet and enjoy your meal.
We all would love to see your SUPPORT towards beef ban the same way as you’re opposing the Yulin festival. I know it’s hard for you as will fly towards the direction which social media takes you.
Give it a thought. Thank you!
– By Muskan Bararia
What do you think about this? What are your views on the Beef Ban? Share your views in the comment box below!!