The wonders of natures are surrounding all of us. There is no way we can underestimate the stunning creations of nature kind; No fancy malls, elaborate fountains or swanky palaces can be compared to huge waterfalls, magnificent mountains, crystal lakes, dense forests and what not! But, here are some of the many wonderful creations of nature which are rare, jaw dropping, mysterious, not explored and probably not known by many.
1. Monarch butterfly migration- United States and Mexico.
2. Frozen methane bubbles.
3. Steam towers.- Iceland.
4. Sarawak Chamber- Malaysia.
5. Waterspouts.
6. Lake Hillier- Australia.
7. Lenticular clouds
8. Aurora or polar lights.
9. Sailing stones!
10. Danxia landforms- China.
Aren’t these stunning? Do you know about any other phenomenons than these? Comment below.