We have always come out in support of woman who face nuisance on Facebook, wherein people text them something really nasty. But seems like this guy forgot all the limits and have now become the ultimate pervert on Facebook.
Not only did he set-texted an unknown girl, but also send some really gross pictures to her.
What was he thinking, every girl is a Slut or what?
Men! We think Mr.Nishant Chaudhary should soon join a Gigolo Club if you have so much lack in Life.
Your messages were a clear indication of your upbringing and how cheap and disgusting mentality you have.
There is actually no piece of advice for you except that you deserve all the misery.
Before you think that why are we are getting so angry, Please look at the shameful messages this guy did to Madhuri Saikia, which made our blood boil with anger.
Now this really boils my blood with anger
What do you think the girl is left with other than posting it on Facebook?
It was only after Madhuri Saikia posted the ridiculous messages she got in Facebook that the “Macho” man went down on his knees to apologize.
Let your Bhaiya see the “Your HARD Feelings”
Why don’t such perverts think before sending such messages and falling into such deep shit level.
Suicide , Like Really? that requires Guts. you Loser!
Well Deserved – Nishant Chaudhury, We are sure you are loving it now.
Don’ you think the Indian Law should punish such atrocities which happens in Facebook.