As our dynamic Prime Minister Mr. Modi has upgraded the Indian Origin ‘Yoga’ to the International platform,the entire world has reunited on 21st June to celebrate The World Yoga Day with full vigour and enthusiasm. All the ‘yogists’ out there better know that Yoga is incomplete without the chanting of the word ‘Om’.So here are some facts on the teeny-weeny yet powerful word used in Yoga.
1. Om is said to be the primordial sound of the Universe.
It is said that Om is the only sound that can be heard in the universe which is devoid of an atmosphere! It is the root of all the words that are present till now.
2. Om seems to be just a two letter word but has three sounds.
‘Om’ when uttered has three sounds-the ‘a’ sound, the ‘u’ sound and the ‘m’ sound.
3. And it is the smallest magical word!
The ‘a’ sound when liberated affects the naval region,the ‘u’ sound affects the chest region and the ‘m’ sound affects the mind. So Om connects your entire body. Many of us dont realise it as it happens in the wink of an eye!
4. It is also said to be connected with the Ajna Chakra or the ‘third eye’ or in simpler terms the conscience.
So next time when you chant ‘Om’ remember its not just a part of yoga or physical fitness but it also helps to de-stress after a long day!
5. A single Om chant activates the entire nervous system along with the pituitary glands.
A home remedy to keep your nerves under check.
6. Om is a word first used around 5000 years ago by the Rishi Munis.
Its ancient and yet it is becoming popular among the youth.
7. And for people who demarcate it with religion, here is food for your thoughts.
Om is the word which caused the birth of the muslim word ‘Aameen’. Om might have originated in India but not to instigate a religious bias in the people.