The Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is presently well settled in his life with his wife Twinkle Khanna and kids – Aarav and Nitara but there was a time when he was infamous for his link-ups with actresses. In his initial days, Akshay Kumar had affairs with his actresses with whom he used to work and he was also famous for cheating on them.
People used to love Akshay Kumar and Raveena Tandon together in a movie as they made a beautiful pair and it is being said that they also had an affair at that time. As per the reports, Akshay and Raveena even got engaged but later Akshay dumped Raveena and started dating Shilpa Shetty.
This break-up was too much to handle for Raveena as earlier her heart was broken by Ajay Devgn so she was mentally disturbed and everybody around her could feel that she was not well.
It all happened in the year 1997 and in the same year, Raveena’s movie “Ziddi” also got released. The male lead in the movie was played by Sunny Deol and he was also a little upset seeing Raveena’s condition. Sunny Deol asked Raveena about the reason behind it, she was not able to control herself and she told Sunny everything related to her affair with Akshay.
Sunny got angry after hearing all this and it is being said that later on when he met Akshay Kumar, the “Gadar 2” actor confronted Khiladi Kumar and they both had a spat after which they had a big fall-out. Some reports also suggest that Sunny Deol tried to bring Akshay and Raveena back together once again but he failed and it started a cold war between both of them. In fact, it is also said that Sunny and Raveena had a fling too after Sunny confronted Akshay for mistreating Raveena.
However, things got back to normal between Sunny and Akshay after the latter got married to Twinkle Khanna as some reports suggest that Twinkle’s mother Dimple Kapadia and Sunny Deol had a strong affair and they did make headlines sometimes but they chose never to talk about it in public.