The Bollywood actress Zareen Khan may have been missing from the big screen for quite some time but she is still quite popular due to her social media presence. Recently, the actress who made her debut with Salman Khan starrer Veer conducted the “Ask me anything” session on Reddit and during this session, she talked on many issues.
When she was asked as to how it feels working with Salman Khan, the actress stated, “Intimidating” and she also stated that one thing which she doesn’t like about the movie industry is that work is give on the basis of friendship rather than talent.
When Zareen Khan made her debut, it was said that she looked like Katrina Kaif. Zareen said that she found Katrina Kaif very pretty and when she was compared with her, she took it as a compliment but in the long run, it hampered her career as people were not ready to give her a chance to prove her individuality. She says that she is not good at networking and small talks because of which she has less work in Bollywood.
Zareen Khan also talked about the body shaming that she faced in the film industry. She said that during her school and college days, she used to weigh 100 kg but still she was never bullied. She added that what was shocking for her was that she was called fat in Bollywood despite the fact that she now weighs half of what she used to weigh earlier.
Zareen Khan got mixed reviews for her performance in “Veer” and she was also seen in an item song in Salman Khan starrer “Ready”. Though she worked in few movies after that, she didn’t achieve much success. She has worked in a couple of Punjabi movies as well and her last Hindi movie was “Hum bhi akele Tum bhi akele” which got released in 2021.
Do you also agree with Zareen Khan that the movie industry works on friendship rather than talent? Let us know your views in this regard.