In last few days, we are hearing a lot of things Indian government is banning like Maggie or Cow slaughter in some states. And if you think these bans are stupid and not important at all then you’ll be amazed after knowing things banned by other governments around the world.
1. In United Kingdom, Dying in the Houses of Parliament is banned.
2. Baby walker are banned in Canada.
3. Nicolae Ceausescu (The Romanian Leader) banned the game Scrabble in 80’s because according him it was “subversive” and “evil.” The ban is lifted now.
4. Emo clothing is banned in Russia because they consider it a “national thread to stability”.
5. Time travel is banned in China. LOL
6. Since 1992, the import and sale of chewing gum has been illegal in Singapore to keep city clean.
7. Fortified foods are banned in Denmark like cereals and Horlicks.
8. In Denmark, There are 24,000 government approved names for babies to choose from. They have to apply for permission if they want different name.
9. China banned Avatar movie in 2D and allowed to screen Avatar in 3D only. But still the movie was able to earn almost $220 million in China.
10. In 2000, China banned game consoles to prevent youth from wasting their time but the ban was later lifted in 2013.
The countries mentioned above include some of the most developed countries in the world. Share with us some other stupid things banned by various governments in the comment section below.