Credit cards can be beneficial for many different financial needs, such as paying for travel, vacation, restaurants, food, hotels, and many others. There are plenty of credit cards available with different features and benefits. Based on your needs, it is crucial that you pick a credit card that suits your needs. With the variety of credit cards available, it can be challenging to pick one. In addition to performing your own research, you can also get in touch with the customer care executives to better understand the credit card’s benefits.
How to Apply for a Credit card on Finserv MARKETS?
Previously, applying for credit cards required having to visit the bank’s branch physically. However, the application process has been made online now. You can check the credit card apply online process on Finserv MARKETS in a simple and convenient manner. Here are the steps to be followed to apply for a credit card.
Step 1: Select your employment type as either a business owner or a salaried employee.
Step 2: Enter your mobile number which will further be used for authentication with an OTP.
Step 3: Then, enter your date of birth and ensure that it is the same as your PAN card.
Step 4: You will then be provided with options from which you can pick one according to your needs and choice.
How to Check Your Credit Card’s Application Status?
There are 2 ways in which you can track the application status of your credit cards. You can either track it online or offline. Let us have a look at both these methods.
1. Online Method
Before diving into the online method of checking the application status, it is important to note that you will require certain information such as your application number, PAN card number, and your date of birth. To check your application status online, here are the 6 steps to be followed.
Step 1: First, visit the bank’s official website from which you availed your credit card.
Step 2: Click on the option called “Track Application”. This option will take you to another page.
Step 3: On this page, you will be asked to fill in your details, such as your PAN number, application number, form number, and date of birth.
Step 4: Once you enter all your details, then you can click on the status or the enter tab.
Step 5: Then, the website will display your credit card application status.
Step 6: Instead of following this process, you also have the option to call the bank or even visit the bank to know more about the status of your credit card application.
2. Offline Method
With the offline method, all you have to do is call the credit card customer care number of the bank and ask for the status of your credit card application. While speaking to the customer care executive, it can be helpful to have a few details handy such as your PAN card number, application number, the mobile number that is mentioned on your application, and your date of birth. Alternatively, you can also send an SMS to the bank’s SMS banking service and get information about your application’s status.
All About Credit Card Customer Care
Every bank has different methods of contact when it comes to providing customer support. These modes include email, credit card customer care numbers, SMS, social media, and post. Depending on what you are comfortable with, you can reach out to the customer care team across any of these modes. It is best that you reach out to the customer care team if you have any doubts or queries regarding the application process, payment methods, or any others. It can be beneficial to clear your queries immediately rather than later.
To Conclude
Credit cards serve different purposes. With Finserv MARKETS, the option for credit card application online can be easy and convenient. Checking the status of your credit card application can be done online or offline as well. Moreover, you can reach out to the customer care of these banks over several different modes to get your queries resolved.