The wait here is over for one of the awaited movies of this year. Akshay Kumar & Sidharth Malhotra starer BROTHERS Trailer is out and is already viral now. The Khiladi is back with a power packed action movie. The trailer is already on its way to break the Internet and started trending on Social Media. The movie is directed by Karan Malhotra and produced under the well known banner DHARMA PRODUCTIONS, Lionsgate Films & Endemol India. This movie is a remake of Hollywood Movie Warrior. The video on Youtube had already received over 3K Likes and trending on Twitter too. Have you seen the trailer yet?
Watch Here:
How did you find the trailer? Awesome? Average? Bad? Akshay Kumar’s recent movies in 2014-2015 were very much appreciated. What do you think will this movie touch the 100cr Club? Comment your views in the Box Below.