He claims that he was born on January 6, 1835 and has the documents to prove it.
If what he says is true, he will enter into Guinness World Records as the oldest man in the world as well as the man who has lived the longest since the history of mankind.He said
“My grandchildren are dead there for years. Somehow death has forgotten me. And now I have lost all hope to die!”
Mahashta Mûrasi was born in Bangalore on January 6, 1835. He worked in Varanasi, India as a shoemaker till 1957, until his retirement at the age of 122 years.
According to a report published on WorldNewsDailyReport.com, all the official documents favour the 179-year-old’s version of story.
Let us know in comments what are your views about his remaining life? For how many years he will be alive? Do you also feel that God has forgotten about him and he might never die!!!

He claims that he was born on January 6, 1835 and has the documents to prove it.
If what he says is true, he will enter into Guinness World Records as the oldest man in the world as well as the man who has lived the longest since the history of mankind.He said
“My grandchildren are dead there for years. Somehow death has forgotten me. And now I have lost all hope to die!”
Mahashta Mûrasi was born in Bangalore on January 6, 1835. He worked in Varanasi, India as a shoemaker till 1957, until his retirement at the age of 122 years.
According to a report published on WorldNewsDailyReport.com, all the official documents favour the 179-year-old’s version of story.
Let us know in comments what are your views about his remaining life? For how many years he will be alive? Do you also feel that God has forgotten about him and he might never die!!!

He claims that he was born on January 6, 1835 and has the documents to prove it.
If what he says is true, he will enter into Guinness World Records as the oldest man in the world as well as the man who has lived the longest since the history of mankind.He said
“My grandchildren are dead there for years. Somehow death has forgotten me. And now I have lost all hope to die!”
Mahashta Mûrasi was born in Bangalore on January 6, 1835. He worked in Varanasi, India as a shoemaker till 1957, until his retirement at the age of 122 years.
According to a report published on WorldNewsDailyReport.com, all the official documents favour the 179-year-old’s version of story.
Let us know in comments what are your views about his remaining life? For how many years he will be alive? Do you also feel that God has forgotten about him and he might never die!!!

He claims that he was born on January 6, 1835 and has the documents to prove it.
If what he says is true, he will enter into Guinness World Records as the oldest man in the world as well as the man who has lived the longest since the history of mankind.He said
“My grandchildren are dead there for years. Somehow death has forgotten me. And now I have lost all hope to die!”
Mahashta Mûrasi was born in Bangalore on January 6, 1835. He worked in Varanasi, India as a shoemaker till 1957, until his retirement at the age of 122 years.
According to a report published on WorldNewsDailyReport.com, all the official documents favour the 179-year-old’s version of story.