Trinamool MP Mahua Moitra on Monday filed a complaint under criminal defamation case against the ZEE news editor-in-chief Sudhir Chaudhary at the Patiala High Court in Delhi for accusing her of plagiarism in her fascism speech in Lok Sabha on 25th June during the motion of thanks speech.
Bar and Bench reported, metropolitan magistrate Preeti Parewa has registered the consignee complaint and the court has listed the case for 20th July. Where Mahua Moitra’s speech will be recorded.
Mahua Moitra’s Lok Sabha speech created a stir on social media. As Mahua listed the “seven signs of fascism” she bashed Narendra Modi’s government. Moitra also said during the fierce protest by BJP’s MP’s that dissent is important as there is no natural checks and balances in the Lok Sabha due to opposition’s shrunken strength and the ruling party’s unprecedented numbers. Mahua Moitra said ‘Only if you’ll open your eyes, there are signs that country is being torn apart’.
Mahua Moitra’s speech was attacked by Sudhir Chaudhary saying she has copied the speech of American commentators Martin Longman, who wrote an article back in 2017 on ‘The 12 early signs of Fascism’. Martin Longman’s Washingtons article was a dig on Donald Trump.
Later, the American commentator took to his twitter handle to let the World aware that Mahua Moitra’s speech isn’t copied from him.
Later in a statement, the first time Lok Sabha attendee said she has immense respect for freedom of speech, as guaranteed under the constitution, but that she tremendously fears the power of fake news. Mahua Moitra further added people who make statements that are false to their knowledge be brought to book!
She concluded her speech by saying, “I’m a person who is willing to acknowledge my mistakes and learn from them. However, I sedately hope that any such criticism of my public service is on account of acts of my own, and not on account of willful falsehoods”.
Biased and fake journalism needs to stop and chief editor of ZEE news should understand where he is going wrong. Regardless of having so much power to present the finest news to their viewers, they’re busy with their dirty politics!