At the start of this year, Sofia Hayat came into the spotlight after her tweets about Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma came out again. Though she stated clearly that they have been photoshopped and not written by her. At the same time, Sofia also admitted that she was in a relationship with Rohit Sharma for almost a year. She is once again talking about Rohit Sharma but for a completely different reason.
A fan of Virat Kolhi took to Twitter to say that Virat Kohli is an achiever and Rohit Sharma is not, probably that’s why they dated. He wrote on the tweet,” 2nd richest Indian celebrity according to Forbes
7th popular athlete according to ESPN
Ab Rohit ki aukat @sofiahayat ko date krne hi he to hm kya karen?”
This was a really personal dig at both of them, but Sofia Hayat held her place and replied politely.
” Nahin! I don’t value a person by what he has. His achievements are with balls on a field..not off! To me what matters most in truth..he doesn’t have that..on pitch he pitch is another story”
Nahin! I don’t value a person by what he has. His achievements are with balls on a field..not off! To me what matters most in truth..he doesn’t have that..on pitch he pitch is another story
— Sofia Hayat (@sofiahayat) June 21, 2019
Sofia sure shut him down, but she said she will reveal more about their relationship in her book.