Recently a video went viral on social media and desi twitter is praising the creative minds for the immense effort for a work of art on a field in Maharashtra. The artwork was discovered on google maps and the satellite image shows the picture made on a field in a village Nilanga in Latur district.
See the SS.
I found it on Google Map.
— Indian ( Modi ji ka parivar ) (@Indiafirstt) June 18, 2019
The gigantic artwork can also be called as crop artwork is made over 2.4 lakh sq feet spread over 6 acres of land at a farm. The famous artwork was made by a famous rangoli artist Mangesh Nipanikar who has previously amused us with his magnificent rangoli’s.
This is an incredible Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj crop art from the Farmers of small village in Nilanga, Latur, Maharashtra. (WA)
— Godman Chikna (@Madan_Chikna) June 18, 2019
Desi twitter is lauding the rangoli artist who created the beautiful piece as a tribute to Chhatrapati Shivaji on Shivaji Jayanti this February. However recently it grabbed the eyeballs of the netizens:
— Sambhaji Chhatrapati (@YuvrajSambhaji) June 19, 2019
— SwatKat💃 (@swatic12) June 18, 2019
Amazing 👌
— Parag Gundre (@thelastjediking) June 20, 2019
Its real…. Really incredible 😍
— Bhavya Aggarwal (@Bhavya_Agarwal_) June 20, 2019
This art is priceless
— Tzar Khatri (@tzarkhatri) June 18, 2019
This is a masterpiece!