Hike Sticker Chat app has launched some new cool stickers of Salman Khan and Disha Patani from the movie Bharat to its application. Disha shared one of the stickers featuring her and Salman doing slow motion dance to her Instagram.
Disha has just posted the image but it is actually a moving graphic. Salman and Disha are doing in Slow Motion step in the sticker. You can see here:
Check out some more cool stickers:
The best part of these awesome stickers is you can send them to all your friends on different apps. Isn’t it cool?
Here’s how you can get these stickers:
1. Install the app on your Android or iPhone.
Click the link below to install the app now.
2. Register yourself on the app and connect with all your contacts who also use Hike Sticker Chat.
3. You can go to the sticker section and find these awesome stickers.
4. And you’re done. Share these stickers with your friends and have fun.
Only Hike gives you the best stickers and even allows you to use it on other apps. These stickers are also available on Instagram by searching Bharat stickers. No doubt it is the best and most loved messaging app ever.