Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan will soon be sharing the screen space with one of the most talented young actors Ayushmann Khurrana. The duo will work together in filmmaker Shoojit Sircar’s upcoming film Gulabo Sitabo. It will be a family comedy and it will be filmed in Lucknow.
Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to share the official announcement of the film. Sharing the pictures of both the actors and director he wrote, “IT’S OFFICIAL… Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana team up for the first time… Shoojit Sircar to direct quirky family comedy #GulaboSitabo… Written by Juhi Chaturvedi… Produced by Ronnie Lahiri and Sheel Kumar… Nov 2019 release.”
IT'S OFFICIAL… Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushmann Khurrana team up for the first time… Shoojit Sircar to direct quirky family comedy #GulaboSitabo… Written by Juhi Chatturvedi… Produced by Ronnie Lahiri and Sheel Kumar… Nov 2019 release.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 15, 2019
Shoojit and Juhi Chaturvedi had earlier collaborated for Vicky Donor, Piku and October. talking about the film Shoojit said, “Gulabo Sitabo is a fun colloquial metaphor used by the locals…as to, its connection to the story, wait and watch the film to know more.”
Praising the writer the director said that as everyone knows when Juhi comes up with a story it has her trademark quirk in it. He further added that he was really excited when he heard the story and shared it with Ronnie and to both Mr. Bachchan and Ayushmann at the same time.