Priya Prakash Varrier, the Internet sensation who became famous just because of a wink, has constantly been making headlines for some reason or the other. Presently, she is in news for her alleged love affair with her “Oru Adaar Love” co-actor Roshan Abdul Rahoof. For a long time now, there have been rumours of the couple dating each other but they both have chosen to remain mum on this matter.
However, the special post which Priya has made on Roshan’s birthday is making people believe that there is definitely something more than friendship between the two actors. Yes you read it right! To make Roshan’s birthday special and more memorable, Priya took to Instagram and made some really beautiful posts with photos and lovely captions.
In one of the posts in which they both are posing candidly, she addresses Roshan as Osha and writes “Happy Birthday Osha” with a heart emoticon.
In another post, she says that she is not good with words but she thanks Roshan for whatever he has done for her. As per her, it was he who always stood by her, he means a lot to her and she won’t be able to make up for what he has done for her. She concludes her post by wishing him luck and blessings.
Here is what she wrote,
“I’m not really good with words. But today I’d like to thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. You are the only one who always stood by me no matter what. You risked yourself for that each and every time. I don’t think I can ever make it up to you. But I want you to know how much you mean to me. Ummm you already know that your worth is beyond these words. So, I wish you all the luck in life. Keep shining for me and stay blessed. I promise to do my bit to keep that smile wide on your face always. And finally I promise to promise you all the promises💕”
In another Instagram post, she is seen posing beautifully with Roshan and they both are looking adorable together.
Priya will be making her Bollywood debut with “Sridevi Bungalow”, a movie which has already created much controversy even before release.
Do you also think that Priya and Roshan are dating each other? Let us know.