Be prepared to be amazed by terribly horrifying things that were found living inside the body! I’m sure the post will leave you surprised and surely the feeling of ‘ee’ would be most advances. Let’s check out some things that were found living inside the human body that will leave you scratching your eye balls and turning round your brain.
1.Squid spermatphores were found living inside a Korean women after eating half cooked squid.
2.A spider has went through the belly and crawled to the chest, says a Australian man after returning his trip from Bali.
3.There were 57 maggots in the ear of 92 old women and these were alive for three more days.
4.A Chinese man discovered 6 inch eels in his bladder while taking bath with those tiny eels.
5.A Russian man’s lung was the area which saw 2 inches of tree growing through it.
6.2cm Swam was surgically removed from an Indian boy through his bladder and urethra.
7.Czech women continually reported about her pain and blood in urine after which it was found worm were eating up kidney which entered her body while eating partially cooked fish.
8.Georgian women would hear strange noise for a week after which doctors founds jumping spider in her ears.
9.A tree plant was observed growing in a man’s lungs in Massachusetts.
10.Dandelion in its extended form took roots in a girl’s ear in china.
11.A man from India found a 3 inch cricket in his ear which had to be removed surgically.