Needless to say, rape not only scatters the identity of the victim girl and destroys her physically but also creates a great impact internally and shakes her mentally. In such case, extreme anger and rage for rapists among populace, especially girls, are natural. This video features what girls of Delhi have to say when they were asked ‘what should be done with rapists?’
You will be shocked to know what they want to do with such men. Hanging them till death, cutting their private parts, treating brutally so that they can actually realize how much it pains and what it feels like when they rape a girl are some of the answers given by these girls. To know about their views and opinions regarding rapists, watch the video:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
What according to you should be done with such rapists who ruin the whole life of a girl, giving her a mental shock with which they can hardly live? Do you agree with these Delhi girls? Or you have a better punishment for them? When will the government of our country wake up to actually make these punishments legal? Share your views regarding the video in your comments!