Love that smell of bacon, sushi or orgy? Enjoy them in the form of fragnance which you never thought would exist. Right from the burger smell to that smell of crisp newspapers here are some smelling fragrances which exist from a long time but we are still not aware about. The thirst of their smell have transformed into perfumes which is strange, let’s check them out here.
1.White Chocolates: ‘White Chocolate delight’ perfume offers a smell of white chocolate.
2.Tobacco: Pipe tobacco by Demeter is just for you to enjoy those ashy burnt smell.
3.Paper smell:Paper passion is a perfume with the smell of perfume and ink and definitely for writers.
4.Mechanic workshop: The perfume names ‘Garage’ by Comme Des garcons has got the smell of bike, leather, petroleum and mix of kerosene.
5.Horse:This would be strange that a company initiated to make the perfume for horse lover that would smell like horse, hay and oats.
6.Rotting smell: wired green pepper perfume by Odette which would smell like something is rotting slowly which gets worst after few hours.
7.Smells like Fire:Fire place by Demeter is exactly the perfume which smells the same like something is burning.
8.Coffee love: Espresso from Demeter’s is for those people who love coffee.
9.Buttery Popcorn: Perfume named Popcorn by Demeter which offers the popcorn fragrance.
10.Vaginal smell: Vulva perfume is the perfume which smells exactly like the vaginal smell.
Which perfume would you like to buy. Share in comments section below.