We have seen our todays generation having an opinion about almost every other thing happening around. Be it about a crucial court case, or just another drink and drive saga of a hot shot, kudos to the power of social media and its reach we know their take on all.
Like wise on the other note to know their view on the stuff they spend quality time which is a big taboo in our country even today and that’s ‘Adult Films’.
Whether one accepts or no, certainly B-Grade films/Adult Movies etc. are indeed something that lies in the dark on the nights. For some its sheer entertainment while the other succumbs to it for stress busting.
Its time to check out how many genuine hearts actually accept the fact of watching such films and how many shy away from this fact fearing their families, and above all the horrendous society.
Take a look at this crisp attempt, where you find some whacked out answers and much more.
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