It’s been more than a year since the Ranbir Kapoor and Mahira Khan’s controversy but the incident is still fresh in everyone’s mind. People especially the fans of Mahira can’t forget how she was snapped sharing a smoke with Ranbir in London and the pictures went viral all over just in a matter of small time.
After the pictures got leaked and went viral, Mahira was heavily trolled in Pakistan for smoking. There were also reports that both Ranbir and she were dating.
The ghost of that controversy is still haunting Mahira as people are not able to bury the past. The actress took to Twitter recently to congratulate cricketer Mohammad Hafeez as he announced his retirement from Test Cricket. Mahira wrote to him-
Mubarak on a great innings and thank You!! I’m so glad I got to watch you play live. Love to you and the family.
Mubarak on a great innings and thank You!! I’m so glad I got to watch you play live. Love to you and the family.
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) December 4, 2018
Here came a follower who tried to troll Mahira by bringing the past in front of her. He replied her and said-
Lgta hai koi khaas kaam nahin mil rha jab say ranveer kapoor waali pictures out hueen (It seems you are not getting much work since Ranveer Kapoor’s picture have been out
Mahira gave a kickass reply to the tweet of troller and immediately corrected him by tweeting the right name i.e. Ranbir.
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) December 4, 2018
Now that’s a mouth shutting reply. Isn’t it?