Religion is a big and softest matter in our country. You never know when and where someone gets hurt because you used the word “religion” and comes with a hammer to bang on your head.
But Love is a solution to everything and the key to peaceful existence. A Delhi based girl posted a story on Facebook and talked about her predominantly Muslim area and how both Hindus and Muslims live together peacefully.
She told the story of how in Navratras, the temples played Bhajans all day but paused during the time of Azaan and how meat shops put up a black curtain and sell their wares discreetly from behind during these 9 nights. Have a look at the complete story below-
I live in the predominantly Muslim area of Jamia Nagar in Delhi. There are a few Hindu families that live near my house though. In an area of mosques every few kilometers, there is a small temple for these families here. Nowadays, because of Navratras, the temple plays bhajans all day. However, during each of the azaans, they pause the bhajans. On the other side, the Muslim meat shops near their houses put up a black curtain and sell their wares discreetly from behind it during these 9 nights, in respect of their fast and sentiments.
The beauty of peaceful co-existence! Sigh!
The story is so wonderful and is going viral on the social media for all the right reasons. People are admiring, what can be called the most adorable story of humanity in recent times. Have a look at some of the reactions-
Isn’t that beautiful?