Ever since the trailer of Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma starrer Sui Dhaaga released, the social media was abuzz with funny memes related to Anushka’s character in the film. The creativity was at its peak and the memes were nothing short of epic.
Now Anushka Sharma has finally reacted to all the stuff rolling around. Talking to a leading daily, Anushka said that her character named Mamta has become a figure that everyone relates to and it’s nothing but a compliment for her. She also expressed her happiness on the fact that people spent so much in creating memes around her character in the film.
This is not the first time that Anushka has become a face of memes. She has been a target of trollers and meme makers on various occasions and this is just among them.
Directed by Sharat Katariya and produced by YRF, Sui Dhaaga is slated to release on 28th September 2018.