Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are among the most loved and followed couples of Bollywood and media keeps a keen eye on the happenings in their lives. Mira is mostly in news for her stylish dressing sense as well as for her statements about husband Shahid and daughter Misha. She is pregnant second time and the whole family is eagerly waiting for the youngest member of the family to arrive.
Recently, Mira took to Instagram to slam the multi-national brand Samsung and its appliances.
We all know that Samsung is not enjoying a very good reputation among its customers at the present time as it used to enjoy earlier. But this is for the first time that a celebrity wife has come out in open and lashed out at a multi-national brand so openly.
She took to Instagram and wrote, “After its mobile phones, I think Samsung appliances will start exploding in sympathy with its consumer. Worst customer service experience @samsungindia.”
While in another Insta story she posted, “Oops! Didn’t expect SO many me-too messages so fast”.
There may have been many who would agree with Mira that Samsung is a real trouble as its phones are already not performing well and users are getting frustrated.
Janta Ka Reporter was told by a Samsung phone user,
“I had bought a new Samsung Galaxy II for Rs 60,000. Little over a year later, the screen got damaged. I gave the set to the service centre, which said that its charging point too needed a replacement. I had to pay Rs 13,000 towards the repair cost. But within a month, I was told that the mother board too had got spoiled. The service centre folks said that I will have to pay another Rs 20,000 to get the phone to become functional.”
Samsung has not responded to this outburst of Mira yet but we are curious to know more details regarding the matter.