The trailer of Comicstaan is launched and we can’t wait to witness hilarious moments. This is a 9 episode show and features some famous names like Naveen Richard, Abhish Mathew, Sumukhi Suresh, Kaneez Surka, Kenny Sebastian, Kanan Gill, Sapan Verma, Tanmay Bhat and Biswa Kalyan Rath.
It’s Amazon Prime’s new original series and looks highly promising and entertaining. This series is produced by OML and the main aim of it is to hunt the best comic talent in India.
Basically, all these comedians will judge the talent & find the best one. Every week, fresh talents would be seen competing against each other.
This series would be available in 200 countries & would be just for Prime members. So if you wish to enjoy this series, opt for Prime membership now.
A laughter riot is guaranteed since all big comedians would be coming together. It would be worth seeing as to who would win the “Title”; till then, you can enjoy the trailer below;
Click here to watch the trailer directly on YouTube.
This series is all set to kickstart on the 13th of July 2018. Did you enjoy this laughter dose?
In association with Amazon Prime