The beautiful Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor tied knot with boyfriend Anand Ahuja on May 8 and the adorable couple gave a wedding reception afterwards that was graced by almost all of the B-Town celebs. Sonam’s marriage has been the talk of the town for some days and the whole media tried their best to capture each possible moment of the big fat wedding.
Even after few days of getting hitched, the couple is constantly making headlines for some or the other reasons.
We all know that Sonam has changed her name to “Sonam K Ahuja” which means “Sonam Kapoor Ahuja” on her social media accounts including Twitter and Instagram.
This irked netizens and some people slammed the actress for changing name despite claiming that she is a feminist. The actress hardly had any effect of it all and she merely termed it as her ‘personal choice’.
This is what the actress told Indian Express,
“I have always said that I am a feminist. I have the choice to change my name to what I want to. Kapoor is also my father’s name. So it is a man’s name anyway. I chose to keep both. Anand has also changed his name but nobody wrote about that. I just decided to do it on social media because that’s my platform to say that I have made a choice. It is my personal choice. Nobody put a gun to my head. You should ask him (Anand). He has also changed his name and decided to add something as well.”
Yes, you read it right! Not only Sonam but Anand has also changed his name to Anand S Ahuja.
Take a look:
This was enough to shut down trollers and Twitter started calling Anand a perfect husband. Check out some selected tweets:
A user shared her experience:
My husband did this when i talked about how rare it is of men taking up wife's name like @anandahuja in my discussion on feminism.
This made me happy, very happy @sonamakapoor— Dr Pooja Tripathi (@Pooja_Tripathii) May 17, 2018
Happy to know it:
Happy that men like Anand Ahuja exist for whom a life partner is more than just an object for sexual gratification.
— Sheetal Mishra 🌼 (@itssitu) May 17, 2018
He has set husband goals:
See the name 😭😭
Dayumm!!! ANAND S AHUJA 😍😍
GOALS @anandahuja
And you are so damn lucky @sonamakapoor !!!
God keep on blessing them plz!!— Anju (@JuInAWonderland) May 17, 2018
That moment!
Nice to see it:
its really nice to see that both of them have changed their names…wish you a very happy Married life..
— Vinisha (@vinisha2014) May 18, 2018
Rightly said!
I Always Believe That When People Get Married, They Become One Person. That's The Philosophy Of A Happy, Long And Successful Married Life
— Tanuj Mohindra (@MohindraTanuj) May 18, 2018
Some people are never satisfied!
Isn’t he a perfect husband who actually cares for his wife and makes sure that she doesn’t face any unpleasant comment? Do you also want your husband to change surname after marriage?