The popular Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone never fails to amaze us with her superb fashion sense. No matter whatever the occasion is, be it a wedding reception, some awards ceremony or an event like Cannes, her outfits speak her style and leave her fans in awe.
However, her fan following doesn’t include only common people like you and me but also big celebrities, such as Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh who is also her alleged boyfriend.
Deepika is quite active on social media, especially the photo-sharing site Instagram, and keeps on posting her pics from various events on a regular basis. Recently she shared the pics from Cannes as well and amidst the flood of admirers’ compliments, one celebrity also posted a comment on every photo of Deepika.
Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about none other than Ranveer Singh and taking a look at his comments, it appears that he is overwhelmed by ladylove Deepika’s elegance and style sense.
Check out what he commented on Deepika’s pics!
Gorgeous in pink:
Here’s Ranveer’s comment:
Too elegant!
And Ranveer commented:
Style at its best!
Ranveer is also impressed:
This unique style:
Ranveer wished he could be with her:
Ranveer wishes to crown her:
Hotness redefined!
Even Ranveer thinks so:
What an attitude!
She just slayed it!
And here again:
Bas bhi karo..
And this pic:
Here’s what Ranveer commented:
These comments surely prove that Ranveer just can’t have enough of her! Ah, he’s the perfect boyfriend!