The popular Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor tied knot with boyfriend Anand Ahuja on May 8. Needless to say, this is one of the most talked about events in recent times. Post marriage, they gave a grand reception for their friends in which many Bollywood celebrities were present. The couple’s families, friends and colleagues showered their blessings on the newlyweds and congratulated them for a blissful married life.
Amidst all the best wishes, Durex also came up with a unique style of congratulating Sonam and Anand and the way they did it is simply superb as it served two purposes at the same time; first they wished the couple for their wedding and secondly they promoted the brand in the same tweet.
Durex took to Twitter and shared a pic which read, “Congrats Sonam & Anand! We’ve got you covered :)”
Here’s the tweet:
— Durex India (@DurexIndia) May 9, 2018
This is how Twitter reacted to this tweet:
It will be awesome if u send them ur greeting with a packet..
— Bishal Karki (@Thekarkey01) May 9, 2018
Kitne saal stock diya he gift mein
— Guru_Raj🎈🏹🍻🐸 (@rajeshgandhi) May 9, 2018
They may be using it already even before they got married.
— R (@Rahulchouhann) May 10, 2018
Last year when Indian skipper Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma got married in Italy in a private ceremony, Durex congratulated them in a special style as well.
This proves that the brand knows how to make the most of any opportunity or viral event for promotions. In this era of cut-throat competition, it’s very necessary for brands to show some creativity and prove that they are different from others in the market and we think that Durex knows how to stand out.
How did you find Durex’s style?