The phrase ‘first night’ itself sounds so overwhelming to the bride and the groom, and none can deny that. It has a magical feel to it and below are some tips to enhance the magic and make the moments worth remembering beyond forever:
Never Rush into Things
First night is not just about making love and be done with it. It has much more to it.
Tip number 1– Communicate, which is very important to begin with. Sharing thoughts and views, laughing and giggling together, sharing secrets, tickling each other and having fun, these things are very much-needed on the first night.
Tip number 2– Talk it out. Always share your expectations, otherwise you would bump into each other and end up embarrassed. No one would want this to happen right?
Arrange for a brilliant set up
Making love has a romantic element to it, which makes it all the more special. Yet romance does not always end up in love-making. When a newly wedded couple is left alone, the set up should be romantic that would automatically lighten up the pressure.
Tip number 3- Flowers are loved by all women and decorating the area with flowers will excite her to the core
Tip number 4- scented candles, or just plain candles would do the trick. These little gestures will strengthened the bond and bring the couple closer.
Exchange Gifts And look your best
NO, it’s not being materialistic. It’s a geture to show how much you love each other. It a token full of love. Gifts need not be an guess watch or a platinum ring, it could be as decent as a single rose stick.
Tip number 5- Bring her a rose stick, and she would be yours forever, yes that’s how they are. Exchanging gifts is a sign that they care for each other so much that they took time to buy something thoughtful.
Tip number 6-Buy something that would remain with them for the rest for their lives so that they could cherish each and every moment of the night.
Tip number 7– Look your best. No am not saying that looks matter and if won’t look good the weddin woud be called off. By looking your best shows how excited you are and how desperate yo are to keep your spouce attracted towards you, even though it won’t mean a thing to the other partner. They love for who you are and not for how you look. 🙂