The Indian skipper Virat Kohli tied knot with Bollywood diva Anushka Sharma in a private ceremony which was attended by merely family members and close friends. The wedding took place in Italy and after returning from their honeymoon, the couple gave two receptions. While the first one was held in Delhi and was attended by Indian PM Narendra Modi and other VIPs, the other one was in Mumbai and celebrities from the film industry and cricket world graced it.
Now it’s time to get back to work and all eyes are set on Kohli for the upcoming series which will be played at South Africa. Just to inform, Virat opted out of India Vs Sri Lanka series because of his marriage and he feels that this wedding was “something much more important” than the series. What’s more, he is of the opinion that his preparations for the series will not be affected by the break of three weeks.
Tonight, Virat will be heading for South Africa for the series that is going to begin from 5th January. It will include three Tests, three T20i and six ODIs.
Recently Virat was asked as to how difficult it would be for him to return to cricket after marriage and this is what he answered,
“Not difficult at all, it was away for something (marriage) which is much more important. That is a period that will always remain special for both of us.”
He continued,
“Switching back to cricket is not difficult at all because it is in my blood, like it is for every other team member and the team management as well, so getting back to professional front is not difficult at all.”
Despite being occupied with the celebrations of marriage, Virat was allegedly preparing for the South Africa tour.
In his words,
“I haven’t done anything in the past three weeks. I have been training to get back to play in South Africa. Somewhere in your head you are always thinking about you have something important coming up, so subconsciously you are looking forward to it (South Africa tour). So, mentally I am very well prepared.”
We wish team India luck for the series.