Every Single person is regarded to be ‘sick’ by a person who is in deep love with his partner or deeply committed with someone. Being committed and married have its own uniqueness and factors but the joy of staying single and enjoying life is something that a person should enjoy as much as they want to. Besides sharing love in a committed relationship, there are many more things to hold the relation strong; it is more of an emotional caught up. The expensive are more comparatively with a single person. Compromises, sacrifice everything counts for your love. But take few minutes and think about how your life would be if you are single. There are many people who are actually waiting to get a mate for themselves , take efforts to impress , go here –go there and what not , but let me tell you when you are single you are living the life to its fullest. You are the superman now for may be thousands of women’s, you have your own choice, your own way to live your life. Let’s check out some of the funniest reasons to stay single in life.
1.You own your pocket money
When you are single, you don’t need to share your pocket money and you can enjoy it on your own. It’s your pocket money it’s your expense.
2.Friend time
You can have a good gala time with your friends whether it is a friend or a son. There are no restrictions for you. You can roam and go around with them as much as you want.
3.Social media
You can be free on social media and have no stalker to stalk all your activities and relationship status.
4.Your choice
You can choose those things which you love and like. There is no force involved behind your preference and your choice.
5.No constant stalking on your tab and mobiles.
Oh gosh, ask those who are committed, I’m sure their girlfriends keep checking their phones, call list, message recipients constantly.
6.Sleep as much as you want
Only your alarm will wake you up, there are no constant phone calls to wake them up. You can sleep as much as you want.
7.Your own bed
You can have your own space in your bed, take your time and space. Spread as much as you want, take your favourite position as you want.
8.More money
You can save a lot of money for yourself. The expenses are less and savings are more. There are more expenses for a married person as he needs to buy minimum requirements and luxuries for themselves.
9.Say ‘NO’
When you don’t have a girlfriend, you automatically get the power to say ‘No’ to those things you don’t like or appreciate. There is no one to question you about any particular thing.
10.TV authority
You don’t need to juggle the remote with your partner. It’s all yours, you own TV your favourite channel, your movie.
Do you have any other reason to stay single? Share in comments section below.