Tiger Zinda Hai is surely going to create a new history in Bollywood. The opening day itself has been very strong. With 33.75 crores, Tiger Zinda Hai became the highest Bollywood opener of 2017.
It was obvious that since it’s a Salman Khan film, the response is going to be IMMENSE. Bhai’s films have always been received well by the audience.
After seeing the opening day collections, experts predict that the film will easily cross 100 crores on the first weekend itself. Even on the 2nd day, the film has stayed strong and has witnessed a growth too.
Want to know how much Tiger Zinda Hai has earned on the 2nd day?
As per reports by Box Office India, the Salman-Katrina starrer has showed a 10 percent growth and has earned a whopping 35.25 crores on Saturday. With this, the grand total comes to 69 crores, which is simply amazing.
Day 1- 33.75 crores!
Day 2- 35.25 crores!
Total- 69 crores!
The film got outstanding reviews both from audience as well as critics; a huge growth is expected on this Christmas holiday weekend.
Since it opened to 5700 screens, the numbers are strong, don’t you think so? How much do you think it will earn on Sunday?