Things are not going very good for actor Saif Ali Khan when it comes to his Bollywood career and last time, when he made headlines, it was for his joke on nepotism which he played with Karan Johar and Varun Dhawan at IIFA Awards.
During an interview with Anupama Chopra, Saif opened up on what he feels about these award shows.
Many of you might be surprised to know that he referred to the awards shows as the biggest joke in the world.
He added that every channel has its own awards show and it gives the awards to those who turn up for the event.
He didn’t hesitate even a little bit in accepting that the actors who attend the award functions are suckers.
Saif said that the content of the show is not at all funny, nobody laughs at it but the editing is done in such a manner that people watching the show on television feel that it must be funny as almost 30,000 people present over there are laughing at it.
Watch The Video:
It’s the biggest joke in the world – #SaifAliKhan on Bollywood award shows:
— Film Companion (@FilmCompanion) November 19, 2017
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