Although you may be satisfied with your regular visits to the nearby normal cinema theatres. But there is something you should think about next time. If you are planning or an abroad trip this year, you should surely take an experience once in some of the deadliest theatres around the world. They are extremely expensive but worth a single visit. These best theatres around the world can fetch you those happiness that you always wanted for with your life partner. Have a look with 15 best, beautiful and deadliest theatres in the world.
1. Le Grand Rex
It is the largest cinema in Europe and is situated in Paris. It has fairy-tale decoration on sides of the screens and it also included water features. It is specialised in Hollywood and Disney production films, which is screened in French.
2.Infoversum Theatre
It is a 3d cinema theatre with planetariums features in it. This has a complete slanted rood which should be experienced once and have a neck rest too.
3. Riverbad Cinema
This is situated in Prizen, Kosaovo. It has an open screening in an open sky with Mountain River flowing under your feet’s.
4.Floating Archipelago Cinema
It is in Yao Noi, Thailand. Every year lucky contestants are chosen to celebrate film on rocks festival. Contestants are sailed with the boats between the islands. You will hardly pay any attention to movie, once you reach the beautiful place.
5. Cineteca Matadero
This cinema theatre is situated in Madrid, Spain. This is an old designed infrastructure and was quilted first in 20th century.
6.Sci-Fi dine in theatre in Disney Hollywood studios
It helps us to be seated on car like booths with movie screened in front. While eating you can enjoy the movies from 1950’s and 1960’s.
7. The Orange Cinema Club, Beijing
This is one of the best theatres in china , it has a private bar , VIP rooms and smoking zones in it.It has rooms which provides sofa , pillow , bed sheets to experience leisure and comfort.
Tuschinski is situated in Netherlands, Amsterdam. The architecture has different styles mixed in it , and is considered to be one of the most beautiful theatre in world.
9.Electric cinema
This is situated in United Kingdom, and creates a perfect environment for movie. This is also among the top theatres in London.
10.St. George Open air Cinema
This is situated in Sydney; Australia. It offers a unique feature of screening movie under open sky near the river banks and a soothing atmosphere.
11.Csutoras & Liando Cinema
This again offers a screening in open; it was built in just 10 days with the help of scaffolding, plywood and industrial fabric.
12.Winter Garden Theatre
This is situated between 50th and 51st street of Manhattan. It has aside stage for screening, which is much wider than any Broadway houses.
13.Filmnachte Am Elbufer
This is situated in Dresden, Germany. This has an open screening on the river Elbe. There is much magnificent architecture behind the scenes.
14.Olympia Music Hall
This is situated in Paris, France. It understands your comfort and provides you with seats and pulls away bed, perfectly made for couples.
15. Cinegold Plex Cinema
This is in Bahria town in Pakistan, and has one of the beautiful architecture constructed. It is more like a luxurious hotel than a cinema theatre.