If you keep interest in space and time travel you must have heard about the parallel universe. Also known as an alternate universe, it is supposed to be a reality that exists alongside our own.
The concept of parallel universe can be simply explained by saying that every single body in this universe including human beings, animals and even planets may have many other similar existences but with a twist of fate.

So, just like we inhabit in this universe, people exactly like us might be living in an alternate universe with everything common but different life. So, if your name is Rahul and you are an engineer here, there might be another guy just like you, but may be with a different name and different profession on the Earth in a parallel universe. And same is the case with many other parallel universes.
The most excitement evoking theory is that all these parallel universes exist in the same space and time we live in but different and higher dimension, without interfering with us.
Interestingly, if one person on this earth has died, an identical person of him might be still living in another parallel universe. It is also possible that in another parallel universe, he is yet to take birth. Similarly, if you wanted to become a singer in this life but ended up being a coder, it is possible that in some parallel universe you might have actually become a professional singer. Right now you are using mobile or laptop to read this article, but it’s possible that in another parallel universe you might be living in stone age. The concept of parallel universe says, all the possibilities in your life are actually happening in some parallel universe which is actually a small part of infinite parallel universes.
Although the concept of the parallel universe is very intriguing and great studies are going on about it, there’s no practical medium available to travel to it.

But there have been people who have claimed to travel to parallel universe unintentionally and also coming here from an another parallel universe. We’ll tell you 3 such stories which will make you hooked and think more about it.
Story no.1
In 2009, a guy named James Richards was driving home from Turlock with his dog. He was driving through a beautiful scenic location when his female dog felt like peeing. Soon after he let her female dog pee, he listened to a voice of barking. He followed the voice and saw his dog chasing a rabbit. While following them he tripped and fell unconscious in the rabbit hole.
When James came back to the senses, he was next to an odd machine and a man named Jonas who claimed to have found his unconscious body. He told James that he is now in Parallel earth which belongs to some other dimension in the same space.
Together they talked about a lot of stuff about both earths and similarities and differences between both. While chatting about the pop culture in their respective universes, James found that the popular band The Beatles still existed and actively making music in that dimension.

Richards managed to steal a cassette of The Beatles labelled “Everyday Chemistry,” which had songs that never existed in our dimension. He even uploaded the songs to a website and called it TheBeatlesNeverBrokeUp.com.
Story no.2
This is a story about a woman and her friends who were camping around a mysterious forest. While camping, they noticed a music coming from a small stone cabin that which was enlightened by torches. They claimed to see people dancing inside while wearing 17th-century dresses.
The curious woman was drawn to it, so she headed over and tried to enter. Before she could get inside, a friend pulled her away, and half of her body that went inside immediately became paralyzed.

Some believe that the woman partially entered a dimensional gateway, and when she was pulled out, she experienced a shift that threw off her nervous system, resulting in her partial paralyzation.
Story no.3
It was not so regular morning for Lerina Garcia who woke up noticing some differences around compared to her regular life. From the sheets to the pyjama, everything was totally different from the ones she’d gone to sleep in but that was just a start of the day.

It got weirder and her shock had no bound when she went to work. Upon reaching she discovered that while it was the same building, her office was no longer hers. It was a different department under a boss she had never met.
When the confused Lerina returned home, she found her ex-boyfriend there as a current one. To another shock, her new BF was nowhere to be found.
Lerina believes she woke up here, but she’s from a parallel universe.