For a woman, especially a wife, her birthday is the most special day of the year. Quite obviously, it’s wholly the responsibility of her husband to make this day unforgettable for her. Agree? Well, we all know that if wife doesn’t get a good surprise and something more than she expected, the husband has to regret for it throughout the year. Sounds hilarious but true!
Here we present an awesome video by SIT (Shitty Ideas Trending) which has dealt with the concept so brilliantly! Rishi made big plans for making Rohini’s birthday special by giving her unimaginable surprises; however, things went unexpectedly wrong and all his hopes for making it her best birthday shattered.
However, he had plan B in his mind just to make the day memorable for wifey! So loving and adorable!
What Rishi finally did that made it Rohini’s most special birthday is something every husband should try! It definitely works and your wife will just love it! Want to know what? Well, for that, you need to watch the video!
This Video Is A Must Watch For All:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
What a superb idea! I’m sure your wife will also become your fan if you try it! How did you find the video? Let us know!