Chandan Prabhakar and Sunil Grover became very famous with The Kapil Sharma Show. However, after the mid-air brawl with Kapil Sharma, Grover quit. Chandan Prabhakar had also quit but he sorted out things and joined back.
All the comedians shared a great rapport with each other. Even though Sunil is not working with TKSS anymore, his bonding with Chandan Prabhakar is unaffected. We could see their love for each other in their recent Twitter conversation.
Well, Chandan Prabhakar took to Twitter to post a pic of himself near a villa. Here it goes…
sometimes posture of ur body defines u…love
— Chandan Prabhakar (@haanjichandan) August 18, 2017
Here’s the pic in case the tweet is not loading…
The caption read, “sometimes posture of ur body defines u…love”
Now, as soon as Sunil Grover saw this tweet, he didn’t leave the opportunity to take a dig at Chandan. He immediately replied to the tweet saying,
Is this picture what r u trying to define, the poster of ur body or beauty of the building behind you?
— Sunil Grover (@WhoSunilGrover) August 18, 2017
He said, “Is this picture what r u trying to define, the poster of ur body or beauty of the building behind you?”
On seeing the tweet by Sunil Grover, Chandan immediately replied,
Hahaha…paji my posture is bcoz of the beauty of the building…
— Chandan Prabhakar (@haanjichandan) August 18, 2017
The tweet read, “Hahaha…paji my posture is bcoz of the beauty of the building…”
This was a wonderful way of pulling his leg; it shows how Sunil Grover can give us light moments on social media with such funny tweets. Even Chandan must have been glad on receiving such a reply from his ex-colleague.
What’s your take?