Sometimes, oversmartness can put you in deep complications ; you need to be very careful before being too excited or before jumping to conclusions. These days, guys lack patience and the moment they see a girl, they try hard to convince her and win her heart.
Same thing is seen in the office too. Whenever a new girl enters the office, guys put in their 100 percent to impress her. Today, Funk You has come up with one such interesting video which shows how you can’t take risks with a new girl who has just joined the office.
2 guys (Who are actually dushmans) make plans to impress the new girl; in order to not miss the chance, one of them is too much in a hurry to make her fall for him and so, he uses the trick which the other guy plans (After overhearing).
He takes the girl out by saying, “I want to give you an idea about how our boss is”. What happens next is totally hilarious.
Watch the video;
[yt][/yt] here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
Didn’t it give you a good laughter ride?